2017/01/12(四)Comitic每日運勢 - 牡羊

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-01-11T20:55

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Thursday Jan 12 2017

Before you become involved in a heated conversation at work or in a social
group, you need to consider the possible outcomes. You could create a
conflict that wouldn't otherwise exist, or you could create some other kind
of trouble for yourself, Aries. Now try to come up with a possible positive
outcome. Will you change anything? It isn't likely. This kind of
confrontation usually involves gossip or opinions that may be very different
from others involved in the conversation, and that's a recipe for trouble. If
nothing good can come of it, it is best to just walk away.




但更慘的是還不知道要玩什麼XDD (遊戲還沒開放啊~)

Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-01-16T07:06


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-01-11T18:49
2017 / 01 / 12 ( 四 ) 牡羊座今日運勢 陰天 今天職場上會遇到意見很尖銳的客人,建議一笑置之,不要隨之起舞。 感情方面 雖然雙方會有激烈的衝突,但其實只是溝通而已,因此不用太傷心。 幸運色是咖啡色。 - ...

01/12 羊兒運勢綜論

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-01-11T17:55
https://goo.gl/uGkmEX Astrology.com Itand#39;s a big balancing act when it comes to love, work, family, friends and private life. The trick is getting wh ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-01-10T23:55
上星期跟羊女(我們是同事)出去吃飯 (有單獨出去過幾次了) 一見面就牽她的手 她愣了一下 但還是乖乖讓我牽 吃完飯後 她又問我要不要去逛百貨(還是一樣牽著手) 總共逛了二間百貨 不過到第二間時 她突然說雙方還不到很熟地步 而且我牽她的手 她心跳得很快 很緊張 但她沒有 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-01-10T22:10
Wednesday Jan 11 2017 You may have made a series of seemingly silly mistakes as you have become engaged in a new venture. You may be wondering how you cou ...

01/11 羊兒運勢綜論

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-01-10T18:01
https://goo.gl/bzbQyW Astrology.com The future is always in motion, so donand#39;t stress if you canand#39;t quite make out your goal right now. Simply d ...