2017/04/09 (日) Comitic 本日運勢 - 牡羊

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-04-08T22:02

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You may be questioning someone's motives because they are not transparent.
You are very straightforward and you rarely hold back from saying just what
you think. But some people are more private. To you, Aries, this may seem
like unnecessary secrecy, and it may seem that this person has a reason to
hide something. But not everyone is as forthright as you. Don't assume this
person is an enemy or not on your side just because their motivations aren't
immediately apparent. Give it time, and the truth will be revealed.
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Tags: 牡羊

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2017-04-13T00:20
推 感謝翻譯分享喔~~~


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2017-04-08T15:54
今天是我生日 跟女友約中午,可是現在人還沒來,奪命連環扣也不接,估計是睡死了。 她平常已經有遲到的壞習慣了,但我都睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,可是今天我生日,而且我現在超~級~不~爽~ 請問我該發飆嗎?還是怎麼辦? 想問各位同為羊男的大大會怎麼處理? ----- Sent from JPTT on my As ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-04-08T06:14
小弟是雙子 最近跟羊女關係不錯 他還是學生 很乖 我們常出去吃飯 出去玩 也認識幾個月了 每天都會講電話跟聊天 我很忙的時候他就會乖乖的等我回 他不知道我會看ig 他的ig也都會po我跟他出去玩跟吃飯的動態(我沒加他ig) 因為我在離島工作 一個月回去2次 所以想問各位 這樣的關係是不是快成熟了 那牡羊耐的住 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-04-08T04:05
羊羊們會不會有時候突然間小劇場爆棚熱烈地上演? 我個人是演到迴圈一個次數後就會突然又什麼都好了 做決定有時候也是這樣,會一直迴圈迴圈 覺得煩躁就會用最簡單不用頭腦的方式去自殺,阿不是,是去做 這兩天突然有點爆棚 想聽一下其他羊羊們會不會也這樣 順便討拍一下 - ...

4/8 生日快樂!

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2017-04-08T01:10
祝各位羊羊生日快樂呀 最近煩悶希望一切順遂 4/8生日快樂! 集合~ - ...

2017/04/08 (六) Comitic&Susan 本日運勢

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-04-07T21:34
Comitic You may have become estranged from someone you were once very close to, and with whom you could talk to about anything. This chasm did not happen ...