2019/02/18~02/24 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

By Lauren
at 2019-02-17T13:03
at 2019-02-17T13:03
Table of Contents
This week, Scorpio, stepping outside of and exploring beyond your comfort zone
will bring great rewards. Luckily, you will have multiple chances to do this.
It may begin with a chance to be more open about yourself, perhaps sharing a
secret aspect of yourself with someone in your life. While this may not seem
like a big thing to many people, to you it is difficult to reveal your inner
self. You don't share your private thoughts or yearnings easily, so being
brave in this way could open up doors that have been closed to you in the
past. This is growth, and it isn't temporary. Use the experience to stretch
your abilities in this area of your life. A promising offer may come to you
this week. This may involve money, but it will also include being able to
learn something that will be quite valuable to you in the future. If you accept
this offer, it coud expand to offer even more. A last-minute purchase could
enlighten you to a new interest. Something you discover this week could lead
to a new hobby or even to a new goal. Late in the week, a family member may
express that an old wound has never healed, revealing the existence of a
grudge you never knew about. Don't accept the blame for this. The other party
was responsible for expressing this emotion, and you had no control over it.
This is not your fault. Look to the bright side of this relationship, and try
to encourage a healing vibration.
will bring great rewards. Luckily, you will have multiple chances to do this.
It may begin with a chance to be more open about yourself, perhaps sharing a
secret aspect of yourself with someone in your life. While this may not seem
like a big thing to many people, to you it is difficult to reveal your inner
self. You don't share your private thoughts or yearnings easily, so being
brave in this way could open up doors that have been closed to you in the
past. This is growth, and it isn't temporary. Use the experience to stretch
your abilities in this area of your life. A promising offer may come to you
this week. This may involve money, but it will also include being able to
learn something that will be quite valuable to you in the future. If you accept
this offer, it coud expand to offer even more. A last-minute purchase could
enlighten you to a new interest. Something you discover this week could lead
to a new hobby or even to a new goal. Late in the week, a family member may
express that an old wound has never healed, revealing the existence of a
grudge you never knew about. Don't accept the blame for this. The other party
was responsible for expressing this emotion, and you had no control over it.
This is not your fault. Look to the bright side of this relationship, and try
to encourage a healing vibration.
All Comments

By John
at 2019-02-19T09:22
at 2019-02-19T09:22

By Quanna
at 2019-02-22T05:10
at 2019-02-22T05:10

By Leila
at 2019-02-27T03:35
at 2019-02-27T03:35

By Lauren
at 2019-02-27T05:50
at 2019-02-27T05:50
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