2019/04/22-04/28 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

By Anthony
at 2019-04-23T10:53
at 2019-04-23T10:53
Table of Contents
This week, Scorpio, something you may see as a minor accomplishment could earn
you rave reviews and an opportunity. This may surprise you, but it shouldn't.
You are quite modest about certain aspects of your talent and your intellect.
The attention you get because of this effort could have a impact right away
and could have a snowballing effect of getting bigger and bigger. You need to
recognize that this is something you have worked for and deserve, and don't be
modest about using this accomplishment in the future to further other goals.
Someone you meet or cross paths with casually this week could become important
in your life. This does not necessarily mean you will become involved in a
relationship. It could be more about making a connection, coming to a
realization, or learning something simply through this person's presence or
something they say or do. Absorb this carefully. A home-related matter could
capture your attention later in the week. This will likely involve a positive
situation connected to feeling at home and having a sense of sacred sanctuary.
you rave reviews and an opportunity. This may surprise you, but it shouldn't.
You are quite modest about certain aspects of your talent and your intellect.
The attention you get because of this effort could have a impact right away
and could have a snowballing effect of getting bigger and bigger. You need to
recognize that this is something you have worked for and deserve, and don't be
modest about using this accomplishment in the future to further other goals.
Someone you meet or cross paths with casually this week could become important
in your life. This does not necessarily mean you will become involved in a
relationship. It could be more about making a connection, coming to a
realization, or learning something simply through this person's presence or
something they say or do. Absorb this carefully. A home-related matter could
capture your attention later in the week. This will likely involve a positive
situation connected to feeling at home and having a sense of sacred sanctuary.
All Comments

By Kama
at 2019-04-27T04:16
at 2019-04-27T04:16

By Sarah
at 2019-04-30T09:43
at 2019-04-30T09:43

By Damian
at 2019-05-04T23:11
at 2019-05-04T23:11

By Enid
at 2019-05-08T10:14
at 2019-05-08T10:14

By Sierra Rose
at 2019-05-12T20:13
at 2019-05-12T20:13

By Susan
at 2019-05-15T10:00
at 2019-05-15T10:00

By Genevieve
at 2019-05-17T19:16
at 2019-05-17T19:16

By Mary
at 2019-05-22T05:00
at 2019-05-22T05:00

By Ula
at 2019-05-23T21:22
at 2019-05-23T21:22
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