2019/07/10 The DailyHoroscope - 水瓶

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2019-07-11T09:31

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An auspicious new beginning is possible in your love life or in your personal
relationships in general. You don't always devote enough time and attention to
your relationships, Aquarius, and sometimes they suffer because of it. But a
recent or upcoming revelation can show you how you have gone wrong, but you ne
ed to be paying attention. This insight will be quite valuable to you in repai
ring something that is really valuable or good for you - and in keeping it thr
iving. This can significantly change some aspects of your life.


Tags: 水瓶

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2019-07-10T18:07
新聞 === 時光飛逝,2019年轉眼間已經過了一半,上半年度過之後,下半年開始風水會不會輪流轉 ?星座命理老師唐綺陽在節目《女人我最大》上預測,今年下半年「最衰」的星座,比水 逆更慘的重災區上榜星座,第一名竟然是雙魚跟水瓶座,唐綺陽提醒,這些朋友可能凡事 都要謹慎小心行事才好。 x第三名:摩羯座 國 ...

2019/07/10 The Daily Horoscope

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2019-07-10T09:42
With your analytical nature, Aquarius, you often make your decisions based on logic and common sense, and there is nothing wrong with that. If something se ...

2019/07/10 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2019-07-09T18:52
水瓶座 雨 今天容易有言語上的是非或誤會,水逆期間還是要當心,表面上溝通良好但事實上有一些 誤解沒搞清楚。感情方面有言語衝突導致的不愉快,不要哪壺不開提哪壺,不愉快的話題 就別窮追猛打。 幸運色是咖啡色。 水逆期間說話請三思。 - ...

2019/07/09 The Daily Horoscope

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-07-09T09:44
Having a full plate of obligations, dealing with unkind, ungrateful, or genera lly difficult people, and having problems that you have to work through does ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-07-09T09:08
原文連結:https://reurl.cc/YzOlO 《課題分離的風象星座》 大家是否聽過一句話,「你走你的獨木橋,我過我的陽關道。」一定有吧。我把這句話再做延伸,叫做:「課題分離」,這句話你們應該以不陌生,是出自《被討厭的勇氣》裡面的章節, 「越是親密的關係,越應該要課題分離。」 阿德勒心理學,認 ...