2019/08/13 The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2019-08-13T09:18

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It is usually a very reasonable assumption that if something appears to be too
good to be true, then it probably is. But what about the opposite case? What
if something seems to be a waste of your time at first glance and not worth yo
ur trouble? In both of these scenarios, Aquarius, there are exceptions and any
thing is possible. Something that seems too good to be true may be the real th
ing. Likewise, something that seems not worth the trouble may be quite valuabl
e. That's where your intuition comes in. If you have a hunch about something n
ow, make sure to explore it.


Tags: 水瓶

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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2019-08-13T13:03
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2019-08-14T03:11

2019/08/13 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-08-12T17:32
水瓶座 陰 今天你有點自己走自己的路,或外界有些事需要你多一點關心,別只是埋頭苦幹,錯失跟 外界應該有的改變。感情方面你很努力,但你必需再貼心點或了解對方心理問題是什麼, 才能起到關鍵的改變作用。 幸運色是藍色。 最近水瓶座會有某些事情「結束」或「說再見」。 - ...

Alex是大叔 08/12~08/18 水瓶座本週運勢

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-08-12T09:33
太陽或上升水瓶座:你的星座迎來了滿月,準備好跟過去說再見了嗎?不管是否留戀,不 過是否對其有陰影和逃避,總之都已經過去了,而滿月會幫你畫上句號。在年中(6月7月 的時候)恰好你進入迷途,感覺人生混亂的時刻,現在讓你跟這個時期的自己說再見是很 好的一件事——準備好迎接新的機會吧。心態,健康,生活,工作都會開始出 ...

2019/08/12 The Daily Horoscope

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-08-12T09:17
When the current is flowing strongly in the direction you want to go, it can b e much easier to paddle your canoe if you are adept at it. But if you have n ...

fortune Me 水瓶座週運勢 8/12~8/18

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-08-11T23:41
https://i.imgur.com/bmPWHeM.jpg 水瓶座週運勢 (8/12~8/18) : 本週的你可能會做出有關於自身的重要決定,特別是關於人生規劃發展方向。 在工作運方面,這段時期你能和合作夥伴能達成許多「不可能的任務」。 感情運上,最近的你重心放在戀愛上,心中常常有「粉紅小花朵朵開」的 ...

2019/08/12 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2019-08-11T18:50
水瓶座 晴 今天跟海外機運有關,工作跟出國或海外出版有關會特別幸運,趕快安排長程的規劃吧。 感情方面跟另一半的關係聚少離多反而不錯,不要擠在一起或太過親密,否則容易有比較 多爭執。 幸運色是黃色。 8/12 守護星天王星正式逆行(逆行到明年1/11結束) - ...