2019/08/27 The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-08-27T09:28

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You put up a wall between you and someone close to you quite some time ago, Aq
uarius. It may have been so long ago that you have forgotten about it, yet it'
s still standing there. It has an impact on your relationship with this person
every time you interact, even if you don't realize it anymore. But things cou
ld be much, much better between you. Today you may have a wonderful chance to
knock that wall down. Be sure to jump through a brief window of opportunity an
d take your bond to a much higher level by reconnecting.


Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-08-27T15:11
l Love You
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2019-08-30T15:35
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2019-09-01T14:19
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2019-09-04T13:43
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-09-04T18:49
好準 今天才跟瓶男好好溝通完..


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2019-08-26T22:37
最近想認識一位學生(實習)瓶女,因為分屬不同部門,常常會進出辦公室,但沒什麼業務 交集。 想請問各位應該如何認識瓶女比較好呢? 如果知道她晚班,可以送咖啡嗎? 怎樣要賴比較好呢?寫卡片可以嗎? - ...

2019/08/27 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2019-08-26T18:01
水瓶座 晴 今天事業上很有斬獲,做得好的地方眾所周知,被看見、褒獎或成為優勢,這天得獎或成 功機率也很高。感情方面職場戀情機率高,對方會被你的能力吸引,若能同職場或對方能 看到你的表現很重要。 幸運色是白色。 工作上不要犯低級錯誤。 - ...

Alex是大叔 08/26~09/01 水瓶座本週運

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2019-08-26T12:10
太陽或上升水瓶座:心中有一道閘門,你知道只要不打開它自己就會很“安全”很穩定, 但最近你的心態其實時好時壞(從今年6月開始對你來說有點不愉快和不舒服了,因爲一 些經歷讓你刻骨銘心),這周的新月可能讓你好好處理和消化內在的情緒,如果你有怨言 ,那就傾訴出來,如果你有困惑,那就去詢問你信任的智者,如果你恰好存在身 ...

2019/08/26 The Daily Horoscope

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2019-08-26T09:14
If you were in the market to buy a house, you might have certain needs and req uirements to consider. For example, Aquarius, you may need a certain number ...

2019/08/26 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2019-08-25T18:06
水瓶座 晴 今天不適合展開新計劃,可能有突發事件讓事情難以為繼,或狀況連連,先按兵不動,等 待好時機對你比較好。感情方面建議被動一點,太主動會落人話柄,別人怎麼說你誒無法 反駁。 幸運色是紅色。 內文一點也不晴天的週一。 - ...