2020/11/14~11/15 唐綺陽週末星座運勢 - 巨蟹

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2020-11-13T22:35

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巨蟹座 打雷閃電






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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2020-11-14T03:51

13/11/2020 Daily Horoscope

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2020-11-12T23:38
You have the capacity to be good at budgeting, Moonchild - even if you donand#39;t always take it very seriously. Money - but especially the sense of secur ...

09/11~15/11/2020 Weekly Horoscope

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2020-11-12T23:00
Mystery writers have to come up with a lot of twists and turns and vague clues that will keep their reader guessing without revealing the storyand#39;s sec ...

2020/11/13 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2020-11-12T21:04
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 今天很多事只欠臨門一腳或有點美中不足,請平常心,不需要把完美主義用在這一刻。感 情方面走自我感覺良好的路線,怎麼對就怎麼做,不要一直看別人臉色,這反而不會有好 下場。 幸運色是橘色。 累到無感了。 - ...

12/11/2020 Daily Horoscope

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2020-11-12T00:15
When something worked well for you in the past, it is likely that it will work well for you again the next time. The way we approach our relationships, our ...

2020/11/12 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2020-11-11T22:46
巨蟹座 陰 今天適合擔任療癒者的角色,不知不覺身邊朋友們都需要安慰或看起來沮喪,激起你想照 顧他人的心,對方也會感激你。感情方面適合治療系或溫暖的約會方式,吃點好東西、看 電影或心靈活動。 幸運色是黃色。 這個月很容易因為玩樂而破財。 - ...