2020年7月 Monthly Horoscope - 天蠍

By Xanthe
at 2020-07-01T22:57
at 2020-07-01T22:57
Table of Contents
You may start the month feeling constrained because you can't truly be
your authentic self when in the company of a certain individual or certain
people. There may be so many things you want to say and so many ideas you
would like to share, but you may fear that you would be misunderstood, and
perhaps even ridiculed. If this person is an authority figure, it's all
the more reason to feel constrained and limited. But this month, Scorpio,
you may have the chance to step forward proudly and be supported by those
who can benefit from what you offer. This should bring a sense of greater
freedom and the chance to be more self-expressive. The month of July will
carry a very special, bright kind of energy for you, but you may not pick
up that vibration until around the middle of the month. And then it may
feel like a complete transformation of what you were feeling - from
feeling a bit oppressed and constricted to feeling freer and more
expressive. This lightness will carry you through the rest of the month
and will attract others who have your best interests at heart - people who
can help you attain what you need most right now in terms of building your
life to be more rewarding and more successful.
your authentic self when in the company of a certain individual or certain
people. There may be so many things you want to say and so many ideas you
would like to share, but you may fear that you would be misunderstood, and
perhaps even ridiculed. If this person is an authority figure, it's all
the more reason to feel constrained and limited. But this month, Scorpio,
you may have the chance to step forward proudly and be supported by those
who can benefit from what you offer. This should bring a sense of greater
freedom and the chance to be more self-expressive. The month of July will
carry a very special, bright kind of energy for you, but you may not pick
up that vibration until around the middle of the month. And then it may
feel like a complete transformation of what you were feeling - from
feeling a bit oppressed and constricted to feeling freer and more
expressive. This lightness will carry you through the rest of the month
and will attract others who have your best interests at heart - people who
can help you attain what you need most right now in terms of building your
life to be more rewarding and more successful.
All Comments

By Todd Johnson
at 2020-07-05T12:48
at 2020-07-05T12:48

By Carol
at 2020-07-06T17:07
at 2020-07-06T17:07

By Damian
at 2020-07-10T03:31
at 2020-07-10T03:31

By Jack
at 2020-07-12T04:52
at 2020-07-12T04:52

By Ethan
at 2020-07-12T22:42
at 2020-07-12T22:42

By Tracy
at 2020-07-15T19:04
at 2020-07-15T19:04
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