2021/09/20 唐綺陽/晴 - 金牛

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2021-09-20T02:00

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Tags: 金牛

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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-09-19T10:22
===以下兩點請務必回答唷,沒回答我會紅明顯喔XD=== 一、置底的獵殺金牛計劃書看過了嗎? YES 二、請問妳的星座:蠍女 跟牛男認識的五個月都一直偷偷潛水,拜讀版上大家的經驗 牛男每天工作回到家都會報備,訊息不多又簡短,只有覺得我會在意才會多解釋 見面如果聊到工作或家裡的事情也會滔滔不絕 但 ...

DH每日運勢台語版 9/19

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-09-19T00:32
Taurus horoscope for 星期日 9月 19 There is something you need to do. Your heart is telling you to do it. In fact, your heart may have been telling you to do i ...

DH每日運勢台語版 9/18

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2021-09-18T02:35
Taurus horoscope for 星期六 9月 18 If you were to look at a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle while itand#39;s scattered out on the coffee table, it just looks like ...

2021/09/18~09/19 唐綺陽/晴時多雲

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-09-18T02:00
晴時多雲 週末需要好好休息,你睡眠不足、容易注意力不集中、非常疲倦,多休息運氣才會好起來 。感情方面越放鬆越好,不妨與另一半聊聊心裡話或約會一下。幸運色是紅色。 - ...

DH每日運勢台語版 9/17

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2021-09-17T00:51
Taurus horoscope for 星期五 9月 17 Someone may be telling you a plausible story that you would like to believe. It answers a question you needed answered or i ...