2021年 Yearly Horoscope - 感情 - 天蠍

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2021-02-05T22:50

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Many assume – given your sultry, sexy, sensual nature – that you are
someone who loves 'em and leaves 'em. Nothing could be further from the
truth – at least once you make a commitment. In other words, Scorpio,
once a lover earns your trust, you are there for them through thick and
thin. Of course, this fine trait spans all of your relationships, but you
are known for being a lover like no other. When someone wins your
affection, they can count on a profoundly deep and satisfying romantic
connection. You do have to curb and manage a tendency to be jealous,
though. This could be your downfall if you don't keep this in check.
Likewise, you sometimes revert to keeping secrets – even harmless
secrets – and that also has the potential to erode trust in a
relationship. This year, work on managing these traits so that your love
life can be as fulfilling as it promises to be. If you are single, you
could have a rather exciting year ahead. There may be quite a few admirers
looking your way, and if you want to date, there will be some interesting
and fun romantic candidates to choose from. Even so, if you are still
single, you may experience a stronger and stronger yearning to settle down
this year. And you may meet someone in some unusual way such as in a
waiting line, or you might discover the sibling of a friend who has every
good quality on your list. That's just an example, but the one you meet
could come to you in a quirky, surprising manner. And if you are attached,
you may rev up your love life with a new dating ritual – such as making a
date for a wine tasting, visiting the haunts of historic figures, or some
such odd type of date.





Tags: 天蠍

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By Doris
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By Ivy
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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-02-13T16:45
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-02-17T04:06
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at 2021-02-22T00:08
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2021-02-22T23:29

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