2022/02/17 唐綺陽每日星座運勢 - 水瓶

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2022-02-16T22:30

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水瓶座 晴





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Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2022-02-16T21:06
占星小巫2022年2月下旬事業飛起的星座 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/20222_767.html 女巫樹洞一週星座運勢2/14-2/20 http://www.stars12.com/2022/02/214-220_2.html 鬧鬧女巫一週星座運勢2/14-2/20 ...

瑪法達星座運勢 02.16~02.22

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2022-02-16T20:25
星座排行 金牛座:無往不利、美夢成真、天賜良機(運勢最旺) 水瓶座:手到擒來、登頂有望、不虛此行(收穫最豐) 天秤座:攻勢凌厲、彈無虛發、事半功倍(工作最衝) 兩週 雙魚座:生涯大開、力爭上游、引領風潮(突破最多) https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20220215maf0 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2022-02-15T21:07
全文長,網誌有圖好讀版請移駕: https://desirechiao.pse.is/3sevhk /獅子滿月 ▏ 為生命的可能性留白、展現脆弱,更值得被愛。 本次獅子滿月會在2/17深夜(00:57)登場,與太陽準確對分後, 隨即空亡至04:43轉進處女, 落在星盤天頂、夜間盤的滿月是天空中的主角,跟在 ...

0216 Daily Horoscope

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2022-02-15T20:12
You may feel that you are not living up to your potential with a certain role. You know how much promise you have, and it pains you to feel like youand#39; ...

0215 Daily Horoscope

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2022-02-14T21:20
You may be considering the purchase or acquisition of something that you already know you canand#39;t afford, either financially or emotionally. Even so, t ...