2022/03 Monthly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2022-03-01T09:24

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那麼現在怎麼辦?不要絕望! 平靜下來。想些積極的想法。





Cancer horoscope for 3月

Cancer horoscope for 3月
You have a lot to think about this month, Moonchild. You may be thinking that
it's all just too much and wondering how you can handle the big change that is
now approaching. And the fact that you initiated this change doesn't help at
all, because you are feeling confused and guilty over a choice you made that m
ay now seem like exactly the wrong thing. And it isn't likely to be something
you can undo either, at least not without some kind of penalty. So now what? D
on't despair! Calm down. Think positive thoughts. Although it may feel like yo
u have painted yourself into a corner, there is a lovely window you can go thr
ough that will lead you to something better. A relationship in your life - lik
ely with a family member - has been slowly getting better. In March, you may g
row even closer, getting nearer to the way it used to be in the past some time
ago, and that's a good thing. Just keep working at it. You may have high hope
s for some other aspect of your life, such as romance. Whether you are single
or attached, you want something really great, something rare, in a relationshi
p. You are also getting closer to that, so remain hopeful and keep believing i
t can materialize. Someone you encounter this month in an unexpected way, such
as through a work connection, could open a door for you that you have long dr
eamed of. This is something that may be inevitable and can be the beginning of
making that dream a reality.


Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2022-02-28T06:50
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2022-03-03T01:42
謝謝反應 第一段很準

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2022-03-01T07:46
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By Joe
at 2022-02-28T17:26
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