2023/04/29 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Rae
at 2023-04-29T15:30
at 2023-04-29T15:30
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Cancer horoscope for 星期六 4月 29
You may be trying to take a passive approach to a problem. You may be reasonin
g with yourself that a "wait and see" plan will eventually yield the best resu
lt because it will make you look patient and non-aggressive. However, if you w
ait too long, you may miss out on certain important information because, by th
e time you get there, it will have been hidden away. Instead, take a smart yet
reserved approach, Moonchild. Look into your options without saying anything
so that you can be ready to "pounce" when and if you see signs of trickery.
Cancer horoscope for 星期六 4月 29
You may be trying to take a passive approach to a problem. You may be reasonin
g with yourself that a "wait and see" plan will eventually yield the best resu
lt because it will make you look patient and non-aggressive. However, if you w
ait too long, you may miss out on certain important information because, by th
e time you get there, it will have been hidden away. Instead, take a smart yet
reserved approach, Moonchild. Look into your options without saying anything
so that you can be ready to "pounce" when and if you see signs of trickery.
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