2023/05/22 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Todd Johnson
at 2023-05-21T23:24
at 2023-05-21T23:24
Table of Contents
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 5月 22
You may be wondering if someone is treating you with kindness and greater cons
ideration simply because you have something you could hold over them for what
they've done wrong or if they are genuinely feeling remorseful, having recogni
zed what they did wrong. You could mull that over endlessly, Moonchild, and no
t know the answer. You can see from here on out how they treat you, assuming y
ou are cordial and classy yourself. Since you probably won't want to resume a
relationship either way, though, it should be easier to keep your distance whi
le observing. Do that for the personal satisfaction it may bring.
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 5月 22
You may be wondering if someone is treating you with kindness and greater cons
ideration simply because you have something you could hold over them for what
they've done wrong or if they are genuinely feeling remorseful, having recogni
zed what they did wrong. You could mull that over endlessly, Moonchild, and no
t know the answer. You can see from here on out how they treat you, assuming y
ou are cordial and classy yourself. Since you probably won't want to resume a
relationship either way, though, it should be easier to keep your distance whi
le observing. Do that for the personal satisfaction it may bring.
All Comments

By Irma
at 2023-05-23T05:20
at 2023-05-23T05:20
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