23/03/2021 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-03-23T00:06

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The term "staycation" has become quite popular recently. People were
beginning to realize more profoundly how wonderful their own home
environment could be with the love and nurturing and time they might spend
fantasizing about someplace more exotic. You have always known this though,
Moonchild. Yours is the sign of the home, and your home is truly at the
center of your heart. Today if you are feeling the need for guidance or
hope, you can find it in the comfort of your home. This is where you feel
safe. You can begin to imagine and manifest what you want and how you wish
to feel.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2021-03-26T01:44
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2021-03-28T18:01
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-03-31T19:38
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2021-04-02T15:40

22/03~28/03/2021 Weekly Horoscope

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-03-22T23:35
Are you ready for a fresh start, Moonchild? Well, even if you arenand#39;t, you may find yourself at the beginning of a beautiful, hopeful new story this w ...

2021/03/23 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2021-03-22T21:45
巨蟹座 陰 今天有點破財,可能看到喜歡的東西,或有想買東西的衝動,對你來說是種發洩,但要小 心後悔。感情方面彼此在金錢價值觀方面有小不同,建議個人喜好不要拿來挑戰他人,以 免對方不理解。 幸運色是黑色。 已破財:) - ...

Alex是大叔 03/22~03/28 巨蟹座本週運

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2021-03-22T08:50
太陽或上升巨蟹座:你星圖頂端的金星跟太陽會相遇,這是有趣,美好,同時會有令你驚 訝的消息發生的一週,看起來猶如過山車一般,是的,你的情緒也會因此被弄得起起伏伏 ,但整體來說你會享受本週——但千萬別自討苦吃和鑽牛角尖,此時你更需要的是快樂。 週一到週三,也許某個預定的東西到貨了,或者你要寄送物流,也有人則是在這 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-03-22T00:16
本標題給對 蟹男 有疑問的版友使用 不論是愛情 友情 親情 (可按ctrl+y刪除) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我的星座是:牛女 與對方的關係:交往中 [追求中 交往中 挽 ...

2021/03/22 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2021-03-21T19:56
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 今天適合以退為進做溝通,以聆聽、給予認同感等動之以情的方式,會讓人更容易被你的 想法說服。感情方面展現你溫柔婉約、柔軟圓滑的一面,在他人對你的印象中大大加分。 幸運色是黑色。 每到週一就胃痛。(不想面對工作) - ...