23/09~29/09/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2019-09-23T23:32

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People don't always think of you as being very competitive. But what they
may not take into account is your tenacity. Your competitive spirit may
not be typical. You aren't one to challenge someone and go head-to-head,
Moonchild, but you compete fiercely nonetheless by never giving up. You
stick with what you want no matter what you face, and there may be
something you will want to pursue this week. If you use your usual
approach - sticking your metaphorical claws in and refusing to let go -
then you should do very well. If there is a fear you have been wanting to
free yourself from, this is an excellent week to begin working on that.
Any self-help you attempt this week will have multiple benefits. You may
draw in people who share your fears or who want to change something about
themselves. And as you shed your fear, you may find that others draw
inspiration from you, which then becomes empowering for you again. It's a
wonderful cycle, and you have the power to start it now. Your friendships
are in focus at the end of the week. Seek out your favorite friends and do
something just for fun. Or if you receive an invitation to go out on the
town, don't turn it down - even if you aren't in the mood to socialize.
You may soon find yourself kicking up your heels.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-09-24T17:47

Alex是大叔 09/23~09/29 巨蟹座本週運勢

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2019-09-23T08:50
太陽或上升巨蟹座:別對那些無理取鬧和不知感恩的人耗費太多情緒和心力——他們本不 值得你這樣去做。可能近期你聽到了一些風言風語,關於自己的,關於你在乎的人的,但 這些都不要去動搖你的內心——對方的出發點就是希望你動搖甚至自我質疑。但現在,你 終於到了一個從谷底振作的機會,新月發生在你的內心、家庭、房屋宮位,帶給 ...

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Olivia avatar
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By Candice
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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2019-09-20T21:01
不知道有沒有蟹子跟我一樣 還是... 上升天蠍的關係? 平常我是不愛講話的人 很安靜已經是給別人的印象 但其實我心裡是沸騰的 有時候對方若給我足夠的安全感 我就會難得嗨到講了一堆話 都會趁這時分享我很想分享的事情 可是每一次嗨完 都會有種“會話結束”的感覺 對方反應會越來越淡 我就會開始反省自己是不是講錯 ...