23/11~29/11/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2020-11-26T00:08

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Someone in your life may have control issues, Scorpio, and you have had
enough. You guard your privacy fiercely, and when someone is too pushy or
prying, you are more inclined to withdraw from them than to talk it out.
But this week, if someone is trying to get into your business and you
don't want to share, you need to be direct and address the situation with
strength and conviction. This won't only help you out now; it will also
help to prevent someone from prying in the future. The steps you have
taken to learn more about yourself, to be kinder, to be more generous, and
to be a better person in general have been noticed, and dreams you have
been dreaming shall be coming within reach. If there is one particular
hope you have been nurturing, this is an excellent week to start taking
the steps toward reaching it. You may discover this week that your
definition of friendship and someone else's definition of friendship might
be very different. While this realization might create an awkward alliance,
you have to follow through with what is best for you and not worry too
much about what someone else thinks.





Tags: 天蠍

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Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-11-28T07:22

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By Edward Lewis
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Zora avatar
By Zora
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