24/01/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Hamiltion
at 2019-01-24T01:40
at 2019-01-24T01:40
Table of Contents
You are smart enough to know that you can't change the past. No matter how
many times you review a regretful event from long ago, and no matter how
many times you fantasize about an alternative ending, it will still be the
same. What you can do, though, is stop chastising yourself for any
mistakes or bad choices that you made back then. Once you forgive
yourself, you can forge a whole new path toward a much brighter future.
many times you review a regretful event from long ago, and no matter how
many times you fantasize about an alternative ending, it will still be the
same. What you can do, though, is stop chastising yourself for any
mistakes or bad choices that you made back then. Once you forgive
yourself, you can forge a whole new path toward a much brighter future.
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2019-01-28T08:04
at 2019-01-28T08:04

By Wallis
at 2019-02-01T05:33
at 2019-02-01T05:33

By Gilbert
at 2019-02-03T15:20
at 2019-02-03T15:20

By Suhail Hany
at 2019-02-04T07:00
at 2019-02-04T07:00

By Mason
at 2019-02-05T20:22
at 2019-02-05T20:22

By Jessica
at 2019-02-08T04:56
at 2019-02-08T04:56

By Barb Cronin
at 2019-02-08T08:26
at 2019-02-08T08:26

By Rebecca
at 2019-02-11T21:25
at 2019-02-11T21:25

By Necoo
at 2019-02-13T20:19
at 2019-02-13T20:19
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