24/07/2021 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

John avatar
By John
at 2021-07-23T20:52

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 7月 24

Someone seems to keep missing the point when you try to initiate an important
conversation. Maybe they don't get it, or maybe they are intentionally dwellin
g on aspects that aren't all that significant, seemingly as a way to avoid tal
king in depth about a problem. It might be because they think they can't handl
e it, or because they aren't ready yet to handle it. But whatever the reason,
Scorpio, you may feel a pressing need to get through to them. Maybe you need t
o back off just a bit. Give the person time and space. They may come to you if
you do.


Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2021-07-25T18:19


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-07-23T18:14
占星小巫一週星座運勢7/23-7/29 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/723-729.html 蘇米君2021年7-8月人見人愛,桃花盛開的星座 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/20217-8.html 呂克2021年8月情感運勢 http:/ ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-07-23T16:39
開創星座:牡羊、巨蟹、天秤、摩羯 追求生活式淡淡甜蜜 默契陪伴比什麼都滿足 在他很餓很累的時候煮飯給他吃 最平凡的浪漫就是他們要的愛情~ 固定星座:金牛、獅子、天蠍、水瓶 有共同愛好 一起享受人生 懂感激自己的付出 陪他一起看場他想看的電影~ 適時告訴他 他為你做的你都會記得~ 你感激他 他就會付出更多XD ...

23/07/2021 Daily Horoscope

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2021-07-23T00:14
Scorpio horoscope for 星期五 7月 23 Wouldnand#39;t it be nice if you could travel back to yesterday and undo and then re do something that did not go so well? ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-07-22T19:56
黛比一週星座運勢7/19-7/25 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/719-725_64.html 裴恩一週星座運勢7/19-7/25 http://www.stars12.com/2021/07/719-725_34.html 蘇米一週星座運勢7/19-7/25 http: ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 太陽、金星換座

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2021-07-22T12:08
今天是巨蟹月的最後一天,晚上的時候,太陽就會離開巨蟹座,我想,在巨蟹座的最後一 天,我們需要釋放內心的感受和情緒,這個水象月份,真的帶來太多跌宕起伏,且沒有意 義的情緒累積了,太陽離開水象宮位之後,也許我們需要跟這些牽絆我們的情緒,多慮, 告別一下。 你有準備好嗎?或者,你有沒有決心跟這些浪費自己精力的東西 ...