24/08/2021 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2021-08-23T23:09

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Scorpio horoscope for 星期二 8月 24

You could use a bit of encouragement now. You could use a few words of support
. You would love it if someone would supply you with a bit of inspiration, hop
e, or even just recognition that you are trying so hard, Scorpio. But you are
famously hard to read. You don't exactly wear your heart on your sleeve. Don't
feel resentment if loved ones are not stepping forward to provide the above.
They may not even realize it. Take a moment today to share your situation with
someone you trust. The emotional embrace you receive in return will make it w
orth it.


Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-08-25T05:04
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-08-28T08:32


Una avatar
By Una
at 2021-08-23T17:42
※ 引述《augnusz (augnusz)》之銘言: : 標題那個? 麻煩一下 請填上星座 : [對象]:蠍男 :   [你/妳們的關係]:前男/女友 : ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...

Alex是大叔 08/23~08/29 天蠍座本週運

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2021-08-23T11:40
太陽或上升天蠍座:本週,你可能想要說服某個人同意你的想法或者觀點,又或者其他事 情,但是似乎進展的不是很順利,由於水星跟海王星出現了負面的對抗,可能在這週的溝 通上很容易出現問題,不配合或者容易碰壁,但也有其他方式可以改變這種情況——那就 是自己減少硬碰硬,情緒激烈的頻率。用更感性的方式去說服他人,可能成功率 ...

2021/08/23 (一) 晴時多雲

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2021-08-23T07:06
2021 / 08 / 23 (一) 晴時多雲 今天適合在工作上奮力衝鋒陷陣,當你專注在當下、進入心流解決眼前的困難,會讓你有才 華淋漓盡致發揮的快感和成就感。 感情方面有職場戀情機會,對方可能是合作夥伴,並且正趁機想與你製造更多接觸機會。 幸運色是咖啡色。 -- ...

23/08/2021 Daily Horoscope

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2021-08-22T21:30
Scorpio horoscope for 星期一 8月 23 Your intuition may be especially finely tuned right now, Scorpio. But like a f inely tuned race car or a handmade Stradiv ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-08-22T18:40
寂多蔓生一週星座運勢8/22-8/28 http://www.stars12.com/2021/08/822-828.html 青衣一週星座運勢8/23-8/29 http://www.stars12.com/2021/08/823-829_22.html TIM一週星座運勢8/21-8/27 http: ...