24/09 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2021-09-24T04:05

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Changes may be occurring now at work or in some established part of your life,
and you may not be happy with the way things are going. Because of that, Scor
pio, you may be thinking about getting out and going off in another direction
entirely. Before you do though, consider what there is to gain, and also what
there is to lose. If there is more to lose than gain, then try to come up with
a way to endure the changes that are happening and find some benefits that ex
ist in those changes. You may find that it is worth persevering.


Tags: 天蠍

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唐綺陽 2021/09/23(四)晴時多雲

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-09-23T07:41
2021 / 09 / 23 (四) 晴時多雲 今天凡事要停看聽,只要沉得住氣,事情就會不攻自破。 感情方面雖然沒有時間約會,但是關心對方的心意還是要讓他知道才行。 幸運色是黃色。 - ...

23/09 Daily Horoscope

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2021-09-23T02:21
Scorpio horoscope for 星期四 9月 23 The likelihood of a problem you fear coming to fruition is probably very small . You may not recognize this now, Scorpio, ...

唐綺陽 2021/09/22(三)晴

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2021-09-22T00:00
2021 / 09 / 22 (三) 晴 今天計畫趕不上變化,凡事不妨放輕鬆,才能帶來好的結果。 感情方面傻人有傻福,個人的色彩越濃重,反而越討人喜歡。 幸運色是粉紅色。 - ...

22/09 Daily Horoscope

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2021-09-21T23:33
Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 9月 22 Scorpio horoscope for 星期三 9月 22 This would be a good day to have a conversation you have been putting off. You should be ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-09-21T20:23
身為天蠍最後一天,射手前一天 有射手愛自由跟衝動的個性 也有天蠍的部分,狠、直覺準、沒耐心(? 討厭被唸,一樣的事情不喜歡說第二次 小時候沒認真了解自己 長大後好像比較了解自己了,卻又不懂 明明怕麻煩,遇到事情喜歡找暴力解、快解 然後明明會理性讓自己放下該過去人事物 阿可是長大好像讓自己越來越多例外 想的 ...