24/11/2019 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-11-24T11:57

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At work or in some situation that relies on the cooperation of other
people, there may be some element that just doesn't work for you. You
would love to make a change, but your dilemma may be that the other people
find that element acceptable. Therefore, Scorpio, you may assume that
things will never change. But today is a good time to start formulating a
plan for showing others a better way to do things. By demonstrating this
without arguing about it, you may win over those who you think will never



Tags: 天蠍

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唐綺陽 2018/11/23-24 週末 晴時多雲

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2019-11-23T00:02
2019 / 11 / 23 - 24 週末 晴時多雲 週末發現事情非常多,若想掌控時間,要痛定思痛拒絕外在誘惑,不看網路或少跟外面資 訊接觸,不動心起念很重要。 感情方面關係確定,你心裡有譜、有想法,或彼此很有默契…等,是好事。 幸運色是綠色。 - 看完運勢後即刻關網路! - ...

23/11/2019 Daily Horoscope

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2019-11-22T21:08
If you made a mistake recently, Scorpio, it may simply have been because you were not aware of the rules. And, if thatand#39;s the case, and if this is imp ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2019-11-22T17:28
╮(◥████◤ω◥████◤)╭ ●-● 以上提供的愛心墨鏡款式,請自取。 --------------------------------- [蠍男/瓶女] 上一篇養蠍文已經好久了,4年多依然穩定 只是想記錄個被虐了4年,終於也有我讓蠍子無奈的時候,雖然無奈,但還是滿滿疼愛 事件1 蠍子老愛嘴 ...

22/11/2019 Daily Horoscope

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2019-11-22T13:48
If you have ever been a passenger on a small boat in the bay, you know that it is usually a very pleasant experience. But when a larger boat zooms by cross ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-11-22T13:42
我有一個曖昧對象 上個禮拜)11/10那天半夜 我們講電話講到一半 他突然說他朋友要跟她講一件事 我也沒多想就說好 那天以後 他開始賴不太回我 一天不到15次吧 到前2天我真的受不了 問她原因 他才說學長跟她告白了 (這個學長我知道他的存在,也知道學長喜歡她,而她心裡應該也有一點點學長) 因為他有說過現在還不 ...