25/02~03/03/2019 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-02-25T16:12

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An old memory could become the muse of a new pursuit for you this week,
dear Scorpio. Whatever triggers this recollection, it will carry with it a
sense of warmth and hope that will somehow fill a need within you. Don't
ignore this, for it is an auspicious awakening that will surely lead you
to something good. A disagreeable family member may cause a scene this
week, instigating a lot of drama and confusion and maybe even some anger.
Don't get involved in this emotionally. It may be your role to present the
factual side of it while leaving your emotions out of it and bringing
objectivity into the equation. You can be the voice of reason here. An
unsettled matter connected to a partnership or a purchase could come up in
a significant way this week. You can put this off no longer. If you do,
the consequences may include the loss of a good opportunity and some deep
regrets. By the weekend, you need to carve a certain plan in stone. If you
don't, you may miss out on a lucky break that is available to you now.
Don't put off returning a call to someone who seems intent on contacting
you. Ignoring this could result in the breaking of a deal or an agreement.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2019-03-02T08:53
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2019-03-05T12:13


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2019-02-25T07:10
2019/02/25(一)晴時多雲 工作上跟海外有連結,也許重新連繫上過去認識的外國友人,有機會發展新的合作,請用 開放的心情看待。 感情方面適合與另一半討論要去哪裡玩、規劃出國旅行,可把握機會現在就從長計議。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

這樣是不是算拒絕了? (補上後續)

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2019-02-24T16:54
非常謝謝版上各位的回覆 想了想還是來補上後續 後來我有主動約了他一起吃飯,他答應了 吃飯中間有正常談話,感覺跟之前好像沒什麼差 之後還是維持幾乎每天傳fb訊息,一個星期吃一次飯 但不知道是我想太多還是怎麼樣,覺得好像就是怪怪的 我本身就不是會撒嬌的人,但其實還是想為了他試試看 我雖然在工作上算是很 ...

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