26/10/2022 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Mia
at 2022-10-26T00:42
at 2022-10-26T00:42
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Cancer horoscope for 星期三 10月 26
There may be an area of your life that feels empty. You want more, for both yo
urself and for someone you care about. And yet, Moonchild, this is not the kin
d of desire you can just make happen because it isn't something that is within
your control. That sense of hopelessness may be eating away at you now. Howev
er, although you may not be able to see a practical way to change this situati
on, there is one. It may not be in your power to simply manifest what you want
, but it is in your power to start believing it can happen. And when you stron
gly believe in something, miraculous things really can happen.?
Cancer horoscope for 星期三 10月 26
There may be an area of your life that feels empty. You want more, for both yo
urself and for someone you care about. And yet, Moonchild, this is not the kin
d of desire you can just make happen because it isn't something that is within
your control. That sense of hopelessness may be eating away at you now. Howev
er, although you may not be able to see a practical way to change this situati
on, there is one. It may not be in your power to simply manifest what you want
, but it is in your power to start believing it can happen. And when you stron
gly believe in something, miraculous things really can happen.?
All Comments

By William
at 2022-10-26T02:59
at 2022-10-26T02:59

By Daniel
at 2022-10-26T05:17
at 2022-10-26T05:17

By Olga
at 2022-10-26T07:34
at 2022-10-26T07:34

By Madame
at 2022-10-26T09:52
at 2022-10-26T09:52

By Dinah
at 2022-10-26T12:10
at 2022-10-26T12:10

By Margaret
at 2022-10-26T14:27
at 2022-10-26T14:27
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