27/04/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Elma
at 2019-04-27T17:29
at 2019-04-27T17:29
Table of Contents
Someone may have asked you recently how you are progressing with a dream
of yours, Moonchild. In response, you may have had to think about it
because you have not made much progress at all recently. There may be an
element of hopelessness about this venture, which was at one time a rather
passionate mission of yours. This may be a sign that you need to get back
on track. Forget all the reasons you had for feeling hopeless, instead
focus on the passion you originally had and on the certainty that this
dream or venture would succeed.
of yours, Moonchild. In response, you may have had to think about it
because you have not made much progress at all recently. There may be an
element of hopelessness about this venture, which was at one time a rather
passionate mission of yours. This may be a sign that you need to get back
on track. Forget all the reasons you had for feeling hopeless, instead
focus on the passion you originally had and on the certainty that this
dream or venture would succeed.
All Comments

By Susan
at 2019-05-01T20:20
at 2019-05-01T20:20

By Andrew
at 2019-05-01T22:36
at 2019-05-01T22:36

By Dinah
at 2019-05-02T06:28
at 2019-05-02T06:28

By Caroline
at 2019-05-02T22:48
at 2019-05-02T22:48

By Thomas
at 2019-05-06T20:20
at 2019-05-06T20:20
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