28/01/2020 Daily Horoscope - 天蠍

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2020-01-28T22:13

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You may be feeling the need to talk to someone about something that is
deeply personal. Because this may be out of character for you, Scorpio -
being such a private person - this is a sign that you need comfort and
guidance and other forms of closeness that you often deprive yourself of.
Be cautious in choosing the right person to share with, but don't be
afraid to reveal your innermost feelings when you find that someone. A
carefree exchange of thoughts could do you a world of good now.



Tags: 天蠍

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2020-01-30T20:01


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-01-26T23:45
天蠍女友不讀不回...?我女友我講什麼,她都不聽,卻聽別人的跟她說什麼都口頭敷衍而已實際都沒去做最近動不動就 ...

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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2020-01-26T21:02
When an opportunity seems like it is too good to be true, it usually is - but certainly not always. You may be offered something soon that falls into that ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2020-01-25T22:49
標題那個? 麻煩一下 請填上星座 [對象]:秤男/蠍女   [你/妳們的關係]:追求中 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [你的問題] 我與蠍女認識一個月,出去10幾次有了 ...

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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2020-01-25T22:25
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