28/10/2019 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-10-28T11:29

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You may be very focused on all the barriers that stand between you and a
certain success that is very important to you. You may be quite
preoccupied by the challenges that lie ahead. In fact, Moonchild, you may
be so focused on all that you'll have to do and all the possible troubles
you may face that you are losing sight of all that you have already
accomplished. Make a note of that, revel in your existing accomplishments,
and the road ahead will seem far easier and much more approachable.



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2019-10-29T13:33
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-10-31T07:10
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2019-11-01T09:22

Alex是大叔 10/28~11/03 巨蟹座本週運勢

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-10-28T08:51
太陽或上升巨蟹座:激烈的感覺會逐漸削弱,但是火土四分的結構依舊存在,你依舊要保 持警惕心——什麽話該說,什麽話不能說都要心裡有數才好。隨著本週的新月發生在你的 自我宮、情感宮位,很可能會拉近你跟某個人的關係,也許你們之間會袒露心聲,又或者 是你們分享了某個秘密,也可能是在這段時間,這個人不管是從外在還是精神給 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-10-27T17:13
※ 引述《aquarmouse (非我莫鼠)》之銘言: : 我自己,是三姐妹中的老三。有關資源分配這件事,我有跟大姐討論過。 : 大姐,是家裡擁有最多資源的小孩,學鋼琴、新衣服、出國旅遊、留學… : 小時候可能覺得爸媽偏心但不敢說,只覺得他是老大理所當然應該有這些, : 很多年以後跟大姐聊起來,也理解那是他比 ...

2019/10/28 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-10-27T15:33
巨蟹座 雨 今天很多事情讓你分身乏術,不要有太旺盛的好奇心,不小心知道秘密會被捲入複雜情況 ,知道越少是保護自己。感情方面有不倫戀的機會,愛上不該愛的人,你頭腦很清楚但偏 偏動心,盡量避免。 幸運色是紅色。 10/28新月許願,許下一個美好的願望。 - ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2019-10-27T12:52
十月限定 | 世界上最大的謊言 |#巨蟹座 1.我不喜歡大男人。 2.我想要跟你有個家。 3.我不餓。 4.我覺得你們兩個好配。 5.我台北只有一個家。 原文網址:https://reurl.cc/RdW8rn ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...

27/10/2019 Daily Horoscope

James avatar
By James
at 2019-10-27T00:49
Your and#34;comfort zoneand#34; in a particular area of your life may no longer bring you as much comfort as it once did. What once felt like a good place ...