29/03/2022 Daily Horoscope - 巨蟹

By Bennie
at 2022-03-29T09:23
at 2022-03-29T09:23
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不要在追求 『比 』的過程中錯過了一段偉大的友誼。
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 3月 29
When you feel like you are in competition with someone, it can be hard to see
that person as vulnerable and as just another person. If you are always trying
to get ahead of them in some way and show you're smarter, more talented, and
so on, then you fail to see their character in the encompassing way. And this
can happen even when there is no official competition. You may be comparing yo
urself to someone else, but there should be no comparison, Moonchild. You each
have your own unique gifts. Don't miss out on a great friendship in a quest t
o be "better than."
不要在追求 『比 』的過程中錯過了一段偉大的友誼。
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 3月 29
When you feel like you are in competition with someone, it can be hard to see
that person as vulnerable and as just another person. If you are always trying
to get ahead of them in some way and show you're smarter, more talented, and
so on, then you fail to see their character in the encompassing way. And this
can happen even when there is no official competition. You may be comparing yo
urself to someone else, but there should be no comparison, Moonchild. You each
have your own unique gifts. Don't miss out on a great friendship in a quest t
o be "better than."
All Comments

By Annie
at 2022-03-29T06:00
at 2022-03-29T06:00
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