3/11 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2021-03-10T20:51

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Capricorn horoscope for Mar 11 2021

Fitness trainers will tell their clients to stretch before they begin their
workout. Doing this makes the trainees more limber, and they can get the most
benefit out of the exercises they do. You are about to begin something you
are very skilled at or naturally inclined toward through a talent. Even so,
it would benefit you to "stretch" a little beforehand. That might mean coming
up with ideas or working through the endeavor in your mind. This can help you
boost your confidence and acumen, dear Capricorn, and eventually, achieve the
best result possible.



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Tags: 摩羯

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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-03-13T15:39
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2021-03-17T11:10


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2021-03-10T07:06
今日運勢 2021/3/10 (三) 陰 今天可能面臨到業績壓力,對你而言業績就像你的實力表徵,要提醒自己即使心煩也不要慌張做事。 感情方面彼此相處中總感覺不夠順心,先照顧好自己的情緒表達再做溝通吧。 幸運色是灰色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobile/zo ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2021-03-10T01:26
你/妳們的關係: 同事 我性別男 和魔女同事半年多了,相處辦公都沒什麼問題 一直以來都客客氣氣 雖然我不算活潑的男生,但一般來說要話家常也沒有問題 但不知道為什麼,跟這位魔女好像有某種奇妙距離的感覺 雖然我line她都會馬上回,有些話題可以聊一陣子 但滿多時候她會聊到我句點atat 雖然見面對我都是 ...

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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-03-09T14:05
實在是沒想過有一天會來更新這篇文章XD 但看了繼續當朋友系列文,有點想鼓勵原PO用正確的方式對待 那就是,這局死了,就是真的GG,不要想著要是我堅持的話..可以... 說要當朋友,就把心態真的調整成普通朋友,調整不來,就斷聯 而什麼是真的普通朋友?簡單舉例:好幾天沒傳賴也沒差,不會開劇場 但凡被拒絕後,而你 ...

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