3/16 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Steve
at 2018-03-15T12:12
at 2018-03-15T12:12
Table of Contents
Capricorn horoscope for Friday Mar 16
You may see yourself as being in competition with someone now for a role at wo
rk, in your neighborhood, or in a friendship. But the only person you are comp
eting against, Capricorn, is yourself. If you become so brazenly driven in an
effort to beat out other "contenders," you may run the risk of offending the v
ery person or people you hope to impress. This is not about competition. This
is about being your best self. You are the only you there is - and showing you
r uniqueness is really all you need to do.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
一的你 - 並且顯示你的獨特性是你真正所需要做的。
版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA
You may see yourself as being in competition with someone now for a role at wo
rk, in your neighborhood, or in a friendship. But the only person you are comp
eting against, Capricorn, is yourself. If you become so brazenly driven in an
effort to beat out other "contenders," you may run the risk of offending the v
ery person or people you hope to impress. This is not about competition. This
is about being your best self. You are the only you there is - and showing you
r uniqueness is really all you need to do.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
一的你 - 並且顯示你的獨特性是你真正所需要做的。
版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA
All Comments

By Joseph
at 2018-03-19T05:44
at 2018-03-19T05:44

By George
at 2018-03-20T00:10
at 2018-03-20T00:10

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at 2018-03-22T02:18
at 2018-03-22T02:18

By Edwina
at 2018-03-23T12:55
at 2018-03-23T12:55

By Zanna
at 2018-03-24T11:23
at 2018-03-24T11:23

By Hardy
at 2018-03-28T22:43
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