3/16 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2019-03-16T00:26

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You and someone else might be talking around a subject that really needs to
be directly addressed. You may think that by exchanging hints, making
implications, and testing the other party's reactions you will come to some
kind of understanding, but that is unlikely. Although it may be awkward or
frightening to deal with this in a more head-on matter for fear of upsetting
someone or causing greater conflict, this is what must be done to reach an
understanding. You will probably be surprised when you learn that the other
party wants peace as much as you do, Capricorn.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2019-03-17T13:13
如果正面回應我的愛 摩羯可以接受嗎?
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2019-03-18T17:05
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-03-19T12:07
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2019-03-22T19:15
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-03-24T01:31
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-03-28T03:41
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-03-29T05:07

3/15 Daily Horoscope

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2019-03-15T00:56
Sometimes the people who do the most criticizing or who are the harshest critics are projecting their own feelings of worthlessness onto others. By saying ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2019-03-14T21:14
米納桑~我又來魔板撒野了XD 我家魔魔最近似乎正值低潮期,就是整個人很冷然後很負面很安靜。 經過我爬文研究推敲應該是低潮期! 之前有經歷約莫一星期同樣的狀況,當時看到他那樣是蠻擔心的,然後小劇場不小心吵了一下下。由於隔天繼續冷甚至更冷,我就知道過度關心被判無效! 這次是我家魔魔在限時動態說當牛是不是就不會有 ...

3/14 Daily Horoscope

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2019-03-14T01:24
Someone may be trying to get down to the bottom of something you see as very personal. They want to know how you made a certain choice or decision or why y ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-03-13T23:14
ID:Souenshizu 暱稱或綽號︰時不我與是靜待,大家都叫我小靜~ 性別︰女 血型︰快樂的B 出生日期(西元年/月/日)︰1997/12/27 居住故鄉︰台中 現在工作或求學地點︰台北 休閒興趣︰愛唱歌;畫畫;發掘美食 喜歡的顏色︰喜歡暖色系 喜歡研究跟欣賞︰喜歡聽音樂,打電動,除了F ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2019-03-13T11:42
你的星座:獅子男 你/妳們的關係:情侶 已交往半年 想問什麼呢: 我跟我的摩羯女孩也交往一小段時間了,剛在一起時她會撒嬌會依靠我,然後也會常常想 我,暗示我要找她去約會了。 她也經常會欺負我對我特別白目北爛哈哈哈,我知道這是她對我的愛,而且我也特別享受 在裡面。 當然也有經過一小段的磨合期,吵了不少架 ...