3/22-3/28 Weekly Horoscope - 雙魚

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2021-03-21T21:26

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Pisces horoscope for Mar 22 - Mar 28 2021

There could be more than one chance to network this week and meet people who share a special interest of yours. If you have been thinking about evolving this interest, this is an ideal time to connect with others who have similar ideas, who you can learn from, Pisces. You should be feeling more driven right now and also more focused on your financial security for the future. Making connections of this kind in this way would be really good for you since you are so likable and approachable. As always, you
are very expressive, and you may have the chance to share a special memory with someone from your past. You may have had the longing to express these thoughts to this person, but never had the right chance, and doing so could be very satisfying. There could be a lot going on at home for you this week. This may be anything from home renovation to the evolution of relationships centered on your home life. Approach all of this with an upbeat attitude, and be just as willing to listen as you want to be
heard. The most successful conversations come about when there is give and take in equal measure.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic


Tags: 雙魚

All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2021-03-23T00:41
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2021-03-23T05:49
Una avatar
By Una
at 2021-03-24T03:30
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-03-28T05:49
推 將心比心~謝謝
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2021-03-29T01:52
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2021-03-31T00:19
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2021-04-04T09:18
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2021-04-04T21:35

3/22 Daily Horoscope

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2021-03-21T21:11
已知的敵人通常都比躲在暗處的敵人來的要好對付多了。如果你非常信任某人,但他們可能不是你真正的朋友,他們也許會在你正在進行的某件事情、信任感等等上造成一些影響(傷害)。 你最近也許遇到被你所信任的人背叛或因此而感到失望,但請不要因為這樣就不再信任人了!相信你的直覺,我們都曾經被騙過,而當這種事情真的發生的時候, ...

3/21 Daily Horoscope

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2021-03-20T16:53
如果森林中有棵樹倒了,而在倒下的那剎那並沒有人在場看到,這樣的話倒下的這件事,真的算發生嗎? 這個充滿哲學的問題今天或許適用在你身上,雙魚。但問題是這樣的:如果你堅持了一段時間、努力走了一段很長的路,也將這件事做得很棒,但並沒有人在旁邊讚美你,或是承認你的才華,對著你說你真的很棒等等... 這樣你也算做得很好 ...

3/20、21 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2021-03-20T07:06
今日運勢 2021/3/20、21 (六日) 晴 週末適合靜下心獨處、把近期的工作事項按步拿出來做一個總整理,圓滿落幕後也讓你安心繼續往前。 感情方面可以與另一半做關於彼此家庭、生涯想法等方面交流,增進契合度。 幸運色是白色。 來源: https://www.daily-zodiac.com/mobi ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2021-03-19T22:58
大家安安大家好 各位魚魚非魚魚,你們喜歡閱讀嗎? 我一個太陽雙魚、上升水瓶、月亮天秤的人 看書是真的很吃電波 有時候完全是靠書名在選書 而目前看過的所有書裡頭 最喜歡的一本便是《生命中不能承受之輕》 書裡那種若即若離 對世界的種種困惑與無奈 卻又如此自在 老闆,這實實在在太雙魚了 你各位心中有沒有一 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-03-19T20:17
一年又過去啦,大家生日快樂!    去年換了工作地點,經過十年突然換缸(?)身體無法適應生了場大病  趁休養時也(被迫)想了很多怎麼調節情緒、跟自己相處諸如此類的事情    維持好作息、睡眠充足、曬曬太陽真的是很重要  希望各位魚友平安健康 andlt;3 --     情深不壽,強極則辱;   謙謙君子 ...