3/28 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-03-27T16:47

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Capricorn horoscope for Mar 28 2016

You may be faced with a big problem at work, and you want to get it under cont
rol as quickly as possible. You may fear that if you wait too long it will bec
ome unmanageable, and that won't look good for you. However, Capricorn, you wo
uld be wise to search around and ask a lot of questions. If you get a few diff
erent perspectives on the matter, you may be able to combine strategies to com
e up with the perfect solution, rather than doing something fast and temporary
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2016-03-28T05:11
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-04-02T00:22
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-04-02T02:32
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-04-04T01:33
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-04-06T18:38
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-04-10T23:47
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-04-13T05:22
George avatar
By George
at 2016-04-14T22:02
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-04-18T23:24
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-04-20T10:09
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-04-22T14:07


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2016-03-27T14:13
總有的人在跟魔羯分手之後,說魔羯無情, 其實並不是魔羯無情,而是魔羯在感情中最放不開的莫過於投入大量的精神跟愛,最後卻 換來等量的失落跟惆悵感席捲心靈,那種承諾無法完成的遺憾,逼得魔羯走回自己心裡的 高塔,在心的外圍設下了層層的結界,對魔羯來說絕對不會隨口就提出分手這兩個字,因 為在確定交往前,魔羯就已經想清 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-03-27T01:35
很久沒上PTT 心血來潮晃進魔板 又這麼剛好看到這系列的文 忍不住也想來分享一下 很長 所以原文都不貼了 手機排版如有不適請見諒 我是名副其實的蟹女魔眷(進入已年計算的夫妻關係) 看到這系列講撒嬌的 真的忍不住想分享(就搞威) 我家菇菇從剛交往到現在根本屢屢打破我對魔男的刻板印象...... EX算是 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2016-03-26T19:12
原PO羊女 對、就是被說跟魔男很不合的羊女hahah 目前跟魔男遠聚中、我家魔日本人 為了他跑去算了好幾次的塔羅牌都說我們不會順利、不合適之類的 但我相信凡事只要努力一定可以有所轉圜的、所以努力的想進入他的心 PS:與魔男相戀完全改掉以前的公主病真的滿好的wwwww 交往了大概半年 目前的相處模 ...

3/27 Daily Horoscope

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-03-26T16:27
Capricorn horoscope for Mar 27 2016 Someone may come to you today to encourage you to change your plans. There is an exciting opportunity coming to you, C ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-03-26T09:41
(本人文字敘述能力差,可能不知所云,然對象是魔羯男,目前感情告一段落,記錄一下) 和他是在歐兔板認識的 當時我po文,來信數十封 雖然很多人都打的很有誠意 但恕我直白,還是會先看「眼緣」 再來,聊天後的感覺也很重要 他寄信的順序是在中後段 雖然我當時每封都回 但一旦有新信都會先過目 而他是我很想很想回信的那 ...