3/7 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2019-03-06T22:06

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There may be a lot of red tape to deal with before you can begin a new
project. The problem may be that you need to get started right away, or you
could fall behind on a deadline very quickly. Although you could probably get
assistance for this aspect of your project, Capricorn, you may not trust
anyone but yourself. Sometimes, though, you just have to have faith. If you
choose carefully, you will find just the person to help you out. Then it's
just a matter of trusting your own judgment.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2019-03-10T20:35
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2019-03-13T13:01
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-03-14T03:53
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2019-03-17T09:56


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-03-06T05:28
是因為有太多煩惱,抑或是看到FB回顧? 又讓我想起2012到2014年的過去發生的一切 經過這麼多年,偶然看到這些人生中的過程 不免心中還是會有揪心的感覺,使我無法入眠 當年發生的一切我並不後悔,只覺得很遺憾 如果當時讓我再選擇一次,我還是會接受吧 只是無病呻吟加上自己想太多的個性 縱使釋懷了, ...

3/6 Daily Horoscope

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-03-06T00:45
Live and let live is a fine motto that you probably agree with. You would rather endure an inconvenience than create a conflict. But right now, there may b ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2019-03-05T19:32
和摩羯男同一個社團,認識9個月,但這5個月才慢慢變熟,都是大家一起出去玩,從來沒 有單獨過,之前對他有好感但他實在太木頭了,每次找他出去都來了一群人,而且回應都 很冷漠,他也從來不會說自己的私事,朋友還叫我放棄算了,不相信他會這麼蠢沒有任何 反應,不要浪費時間。 過年後,自己也覺得心很冷,就下定決心要放棄 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2019-03-05T13:28
前一陣子跟家魔去逛迪士尼小物店 看到某張生日卡片實在太可愛了 當下跟家魔說 我要買~~~ 然後我生日的時候寫給我好嗎? (我生日在年尾) 家魔大概皺眉皺了3秒說: 那你生日的時候我帶你去玩不就好了? 我:那不一樣嘛~ 家魔:怎麼會不一樣, 我可以寫在門票上面啊! 我:.... ...

3/5 Daily Horoscope

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-03-05T00:49
Many people develop relationships online today. You may meet someone new or rekindle an old acquaintance on a dating website or on social media. But nothin ...