30/03~05/04/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 巨蟹

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2020-03-30T23:25

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When you are feeling blue or disconnected, seeing a therapist is not the
only way to find inner peace. If you are finding yourself keeping your
distance from others this week or mulling over sad or upsetting thoughts
too often, Moonchild, then a little bit of self-help will not only see you
through, but could also lift your spirit significantly. Try writing down
all the things you like about yourself and be thankful for them. Reach out
to someone who admires you and always makes you smile. Start a deep
conversation with someone who understands you. Try to find and read a good
book that might offer answers to a dilemma you are facing. Or just find
some other creative way to find a bright outlook - the sun is always
shining somewhere. Throughout this week, you may have to deal with a lot
of odds and ends that have been left undone for some time. Although this
may seem like tedious work, there are ways to make your tasks fun. Put on
some lively music, challenge yourself to perform tasks in a certain amount
of time, or find some other way to put a spring in your step as you go
about your efforts.




Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2020-03-31T19:55
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2020-04-04T00:54
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-04-07T09:59
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-04-11T09:53
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2020-04-11T20:46
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2020-04-14T02:27
謝謝 正在處理之前沒做完的工作
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2020-04-14T11:25
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-04-18T03:16

2020/03/31 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-03-30T22:05
巨蟹座 晴時多雲 今天欲速則不達,有些事看起來可以快點執行完工的要注意,有時越穩重反而越牢靠。感 情方面有不打不相識的機會,對方跟你打鬧或故意衝著你來,光這點就可以證明他對你有 意思。 幸運色是紫色。 - ...

Alex是大叔 03/30~04/05 巨蟹座本週運

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2020-03-30T08:52
太陽或上升巨蟹座:當你不愉快的時候,你會選擇做哪些事情來調整心情?當你愉快的時 候,你又會做哪些事情來分享喜悅?這就是本週要提前想到的事情,因爲你會經歷許多快 樂,也會經歷不快樂的時期。週一到週二的時候,一個人的言語,或者是你知曉的某件事 會在你心中種下一粒“情緒”的種子,這件事或者這些話會在週三到週六發酵, ...

30/03/2020 Daily Horoscope

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2020-03-29T23:18
You may be very modest at times, Moonchild. You are often self-effacing. And while you may behave that way because you donand#39;t want to boast about your ...

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Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2020-03-29T22:23
If you were to gaze at snow-capped mountains far off in the distance while enjoying a warm and sunny afternoon many miles away, you would probably be in aw ...

2020/03/30 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2020-03-29T15:48
巨蟹座 打雷閃電 今天有種陰霾感存在,這也跟天氣變化有關,你可能也有憂鬱感,這時就去運動一下,不 要任由情緒牽引你。感情方面你的狀態很考驗對方,他是否能貼心關心你,這點很重要。 幸運色是白色。 清明連假快到了,再撐個幾天。 - ...