30/12/2019~05/01/2020 Weekly Horoscope - 天蠍

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2019-12-30T14:38

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A meeting or an event you have been worried about should work out in your
favor this week, Scorpio. Even though you have put in a lot of time
thinking about all the things that might go wrong, you should find that
this will go as smoothly as possible and will result in a very positive
outcome. When this happens, be sure to make note of how much time you
wasted on worry, and let that guide you in the future when worry becomes
overwhelming. A relationship that has been the subject of some deep
thought and concern may have caused you to wonder whether you should part
ways. This week, though, you may learn something or see something that
will validate your affection and your deep connection to this person and
will inspire you to find ways to work better together. This may take time,
but patience will have big rewards. If an investment of time and care and
mutual respect is given here, this relationship could become the basis for
great happiness in the future - but keep in mind that mutual respect is
essential. Although it may seem an unlikely time of year to do business,
this could be a good week for you to initiate or finalize a business deal.
Just be sure you are well aware of the meaning behind anything you agree
to, and be careful about your promises.





Tags: 天蠍

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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-01-03T21:55
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2020-01-04T09:35
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2020-01-07T23:15

唐綺陽 2019/12/30(一)晴時多雲

George avatar
By George
at 2019-12-30T00:08
2019 / 12 / 30 (一) 晴時多雲 今天很多事情有二選一的煩惱,兩個機會都值得好好把握,但更偏向哪一個,會讓選擇困 難型的人傷腦筋。 感情方面有幾個約會上的選擇都蠻愉快,若覺得很難選,不如把決定權交給對方。 幸運色是橘色。 - 有選擇困難啊~ 而且連個約會都沒有 哪來的幾個QQ - ...

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Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2019-12-28T01:40
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