4/2 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-04-01T07:31

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Capricorn horoscope for Apr 2 2017

You may have tried some new venture or indulged in something you saw as a tale
nt quite some time ago, only to be told that you weren't good enough. Perhaps
that proclamation really hit you hard because you had high hopes. Maybe it has
had a lasting effect because it dashed your hopes, and maybe it even made you
feel a little foolish. But that person was not an authority. You know what's
in your heart, Capricorn, and if you still have a secret yearning to explore t
his possibility, then you owe it to yourself to do so.
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-04-02T03:27
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2017-04-02T15:03
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-04-04T21:50
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-04-08T07:25
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-04-09T11:53


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-03-31T13:38
我跟魔羯男是同事,幾乎每天都聊line,都是他主動line我,話題都是他在想, 有時候我已讀了他也會再開新話題,然後也會邀約我出去,上次一起吃飯看我沒買飲料還幫我買了飲料, 他有問過我為什麼都不主動line他,平常對話都是很白癡的那種,不太有曖昧的感覺 (主要是因為我蠻討厭曖昧的,稍微覺得不對我就會轉移話題 ...

4/1 Daily Horoscope

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-03-31T06:29
Capricorn horoscope for Apr 1 2017 You feel your emotions very deeply, Capricorn, but you donand#39;t always express th em that way. Perhaps you feel awkw ...

氧氣占星 摩羯座2017年4月運勢

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2017-03-31T01:05
束縛感比較重的一段時間,種種天象都在提示你三思而後行這件事情,意味著近期你可能 很難果斷做出某個決定,無形中給自己攬了一些(甚至是不必要的)責任或者負擔,因為 需要為自己的言行負責不免多了一份慎重。這種情況在上旬尤其突出,很可能是近期你需 要做出某個抉擇,實際上你心裡已經有所傾向甚至其實你裡已經有了一個 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-03-30T20:52
你的星座:天蠍女 你/妳們的關係:男女朋友 想問什麼呢: 和魔男正式交往兩週後,內心還是有一點點不安的地方想發問(蠍女小劇場) 其實交往後感覺的到魔男變很多 例如:從之前固定時間才會回覆訊息 交往後,他只要有空就會回 很多事情跟行蹤也都交代的很清楚(小遠距離,一週見面一次) 也多了很多 ...

3/31 Daily Horoscope

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-03-30T06:27
Capricorn horoscope for Mar 31 2017 You may be adjusting to a change now, Capricorn. Maybe it is a dramatic change . Maybe it is something you wanted to d ...