4/20 Daily Horscope - 摩羯

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-04-20T08:28

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Capricorn horoscope for Apr 20 2021

A family matter that has gone unresolved for too long may wait no longer.
There may be an argument brewing, Capricorn, and you may be the only one who
can cut it off before it begins. You are probably aware of an issue that
needs to be addressed, but you have been hesitant to do so - perhaps because
of certain personalities that are also involved. But if you approach this
with a blend of care and assertiveness, you can handle this effectively and
efficiently. Don't put it off.




Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-04-20T16:14
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2021-04-24T13:35

Alex是大叔 04/19~04/25 摩羯座本週運

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-04-19T09:29
太陽或上升摩羯座:只要肯努力付出,就會有回報,這是你們的人生信條,本週你們就可 以看到一些回報了。因爲太陽、水星、金星都彙集在你的才華宮位,你格外亮眼,也會因 爲自己的能力專業優秀而被認可,如果你是學生,也會得到來自師長上的幫助。這個星象 也對你散發魅力有幫助,不妨約你喜歡的人聊天或者見面約會,必要時可以勇敢 ...

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Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2021-04-18T18:40
大家好~ 我是處女女, 對方比我小4-5歲, 跟朋友出去認識後他主動line我, 聊得蠻開心的而且他有撒嬌的感覺, 但我們沒有單獨約過, 有天瘋了問他要不要當我男朋友, 沒有答應但會繼續聊天,但頻率降低很多, 於是我覺得我該自己冷靜做普通朋友,就不主動傳訊息,偏偏他一個禮拜就主動聊一兩次 ,然後又兩三天才回覆 ...

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