4/22 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2019-04-21T18:48

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When Simon and Garfunkel sang about building a bridge over troubled water,
they did not literally mean a bridge. They sang about being the support a
loved one needed to get over a tough spot in life. Someone may be offering to
do the same for you now, Capricorn, or perhaps vice versa. But the way it is
being expressed might not be quite as poetic as those troubadours from so
long ago. As long as the message is conveyed in a loving way though, it
should be understood.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2019-04-26T14:35
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2019-05-01T14:04
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2019-05-04T00:07
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2019-05-07T10:28
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-05-08T12:02
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-05-12T07:32

4/22~4/28 Weekly DH

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-04-21T14:28
Is a person born with good luck, or is it something that someone can develop over time? We have all known people who simply seem lucky. They reach every go ...

4/21 Daily Horoscope

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-04-21T01:17
It would be easy to ignore a certain truth now that is bothersome. If you acknowledge it, that means you will have to do something about it. And doing some ...

4/20 MSN 魔羯座運勢

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2019-04-20T12:15
摩羯座-克服內心的門檻。 今日整體:★★★ 在職場上要能以和為貴, 就算是自身得勢更要能站在對方的角度為他著想, 以免讓人有得了便宜還賣乖的負面看法。 凡事要懂得節制, 恐怕因無心的話刺傷他人, 輕則樹敵, 嚴重甚至會招人報復。 最好的應對方式是保持人際關係的單純。 今日指南:克服內心的門檻。 幸運場 ...

4/19 MSN 魔羯座運勢

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2019-04-19T22:06
摩羯座-增強自己的行動力。 今日整體:★★★★ 工作雖然繁重, 但其實都是容易解決的事, 建議你按部就班的來, 別急著要一次解決太多事情。 遇到財務上的麻煩, 會讓你難過好一陣子, 經朋友的幫助會圓滿落幕。 找不到空閑時間來約會, 但其實並非你的本意, 利用工作空檔打個電話或傳簡訊, 他會理解你的心意的。 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-04-19T18:45
我家魔男不太愛關在家,是個怕無聊的孩紙 或許覺得在家睡覺實在太浪費時間了,我家魔男特愛往外跑,不是出國就是國內趴趴造... 話說跟我家魔男相處了快一年我們真的去了很多地方...從認識他開始就知道他很會到處玩,已經去了很多國家,台灣也幾乎玩遍了= = 每次想約他去哪裡哪裡,都會以已經去過了不想再去一次為由被 ...