4/25 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

James avatar
By James
at 2018-04-24T00:06

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Capricorn horoscope for Wednesday Apr 25

An unexpected interruption today could seem like a problem and an annoyance at
first, but if you remain open to what is presented, you may find that it chan
ges your whole day for the better. You have been hard at work on something imp
ortant, and you may have developed tunnel vision as you strive to complete you
r goal. But having your attention diverted for a little while could offer you
a whole new perspective. Give yourself a break, and you may come back to your
work with a whole new vision, Capricorn.
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版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
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posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA

Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2018-04-28T06:27
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2018-05-02T15:26
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-05-03T04:14
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-05-03T20:06

4/24 米薩小姐的星座日誌

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-04-23T23:37
2018/4/24 魔羯座 如果能把工作企劃呈現的更具有娛樂性將會更吸睛,準備段子與人對談也會更受歡迎,有嚴肅的傾向。 每日星座運勢提供: 專業占星師「 米薩小姐占星誌」 https://m.facebook.com/missmisa12002/ 其他星座查詢: https://www.osparks. ...

4/24 Daily Horoscope

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-04-23T23:18
Capricorn horoscope for Tuesday Apr 24 The universe has sent you a gift, or will do so shortly. You may not recognize the value of this gift immediately. ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-04-23T21:11
大家好 平常都是在板上潛水較多的我 突然有東西可以上岸發文了 前陣子因為無聊加上壓力大所以常上匿名網站找人聊天 已經單身3年的我 早已對愛情沒了期待 只到某一天遇到一隻大我4歲的雙魚女孩(是真的很女孩心) 就這樣從在網站上彼此都是陌生人的聊天到+line後 還是一直聊天 每天睡前就要視訊一下 就 ...

Alex是大叔 04/23~04/29摩羯座本週運勢

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2018-04-23T09:32
太陽或上升摩羯座:火冥這兩顆星都停留在你的星座之中,冥王星在上週也開始進入逆行 的階段。摩羯們,也許目前對你來說影響最大的就是你的心理層面——你似乎在過去一年 甚至過去三年的時候,遇到了一個人生大轉折,這個轉折讓你現在回想起來,也許都沒有 弄清楚當初爲什麼會做那樣的決定——但也許現在的成果告訴你,當初的 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2018-04-23T01:44
你的星座:金牛 你/妳們的關係:學姊和學妹 想問什麼呢:我是T喜歡上魔女學姊 認識學姊一年多關係都蠻密切 在學姊畢業之前衝一波告白了 很可惜得到一句當朋友就好 然後因為學姊平常發的文 都是一些自己攝影的圖 告白那晚發出的文是 無謂的小事就別再想 讓我看了蠻心痛的 後面為了找台階下 還 ...