4/25 The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-04-24T18:50

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Aquarius horoscope for Wednesday Apr 25

Aquarius horoscope for Wednesday Apr 25
You may have the desire to leap from one project to another today, Aquarius
, even though you have not yet completed your mission with the first one. A
lthough such a move might seem prudent because the second opportunity seems
more rewarding than the first, that may only be an illusion. If you leave
unfinished business, it could create a problem. And if you abandon that ori
ginal quest altogether, you may find that it had far greater potential than
your other option. Think about it carefully.
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Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-04-27T08:34

4/24 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-04-24T00:19
今日運勢 2018 / 04 / 24 (二) 晴時多雲 今天必須要做出選擇,建議要以務實的方向去考量才行。 感情方面有分身乏術的狀況,倘若無法赴約,要讓另一半了解原因。 幸運色是金色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zodiac/Aqurai ...

4/24 The Daily Horoscope

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-04-23T23:43
Aquarius horoscope for Tuesday Apr 24 Aquarius horoscope for Tuesday Apr 24 You occasionally have a hard time taking a compliment. You are a kind and t ho ...

4/24 米薩小姐的星座日誌

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2018-04-23T23:42
2018/4/24 水瓶座 是得人疼的小孩,大家都怕你吃不飽穿不暖,紛紛給你送吃的喝的,喜歡找你聊天寒暄。 每日星座運勢提供: 專業占星師「 米薩小姐占星誌」 https://m.facebook.com/missmisa12002/ 其他星座查詢: https://www.osparks.com/pl ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-04-23T22:19
事情是這樣的 之前在遊戲認識了一個小我八歲的高中妹子(我25雙魚 她是古靈精怪的水瓶) 一開始沒有很積極地聊 但是後來打了一通電話 發現他蠻可愛的 之後就有一直跟他聊 然後現在每天幾乎都會視訊 而聊天內容也有點曖昧 互撩的概念 而我跟她其實也是遠距離 最近想約她一起去玩 但她會說懶得出來,她 ...

Alex是大叔 04/23~04/29水瓶座本週運勢

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2018-04-23T09:37
太陽或上升水瓶座:你想快樂你就會快樂,你想難過自然就會難過。看到沒,情緒其實掌 握在自己手中的,所以不要因爲外在的人與事而將這份主導權拱手讓人。之所以這麼說是 因爲最近水瓶座很容易被他人左右情緒,因爲他人而生氣或者焦慮。現在這些事情進入本 週都不是最重要的——回歸到自己本身才好。木火出現角度,也是投資自 ...