4/27 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2019-04-26T16:16

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You need to recognize that a problem you face may not be best dealt with in a
logical manner. This issue may deal with someone's emotions, and emotions are
not always rational or logical. Therefore, Capricorn, dealing with this
successfully will require more than an understanding of the facts. It will
demand that you find out why someone feels the way they do. Only then can you
respond with compassion, understanding, and proceed with a solution. And keep
in mind that although the solution may not seem logical, it can still be
sound and successful. Think outside the box.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-04-30T03:56
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2019-04-30T07:44
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2019-05-03T20:18


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2019-04-26T12:37
想請問,魔男會在公開場合撩喜歡的女生嗎? 或是在公眾的群組、聊天室撩喜歡的人? 朋友常被撩,想知道魔男是否有意思。 感謝大家的回覆 - ...

4/26 Daily Horoscope

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2019-04-26T00:27
There are dozens of things that need to be done right now, Capricorn. You could probably rattle off a long list of chores and responsibilities without even ...

4/25 MSN 魔羯座運勢

John avatar
By John
at 2019-04-25T19:37
摩羯座-做些增加抵抗力的運動。 今日整體:★★★★ 已經具備了任何困難都打不倒的精神力量, 夢想再大也沒關係, 只要認真努力, 願望應該會在短期間就實現。 這陣子去旅行一定會對今後的人生有所幫助。 如果時間金錢上許可, 不妨遠遊。 身體狀況漸漸走下坡, 應小心照顧自己以防感冒。 今日指南:做些增加抵抗力 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2019-04-25T15:45
我是牛女 跟我家魔魔分分合合了兩次 剛在一起的時候真的我們兩個常常溝通不良 (我解釋的很累但他卻聽不懂) 或是 他會常常挑我毛病讓我覺得很心累 第二次分手(去年七月)其實當時我們兩個都下定決心不再複合 但後來我還是捨不得 畢竟除了吵架的時候 其實我們價值觀很契合 而且都喜歡搞笑 個性都很三八(動不動就會抖下 ...

4/26 Daily Horoscope

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2019-04-25T00:59
Someone who needs glasses and loses them could look around the room for them and find that everything appears very fuzzy. But when the glasses are found an ...