4/27 The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2018-04-26T22:50

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Aquarius horoscope for Friday Apr 27

Aquarius horoscope for Friday Apr 27
Someone in your life has a far more organized and regimented approach to li
fe than you do. While you are inventive and forward-thinking, this person i
s mired in a more structured way of approaching life. Even if this person i
s successful in their style, that doesn't mean that your style is any less
right. You may be tempted now to change something because someone else's wa
y seems to work so well. Stick with what feels best to you, and don't compa
re yourself to others.
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Tags: 水瓶

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2018-04-28T13:02


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-04-26T10:52
剛剛發完文校正發現有重複的段落,可能用手機發文怪怪的,刪掉重發如果還是這樣我也沒辦法,請大家忍耐一下QQ 各位瓶男瓶女瓶眷大家好QQ 敝人金牛女(上升射手月亮巨蟹),已潛水瓶版非常久,一直在考慮要不要發文,最後還是很想聽聽大家意見QQ 以下想到什麼說什麼,文筆排版混亂的話請見諒。 和瓶男是網路上認識, ...

4/26 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-04-26T00:39
今日運勢 2018 / 04 / 26 (四) 雨 今天有關錢的事情有狀況,例如:進帳不順利或投資不利。 感情方面彼此最大的問題就是相處時間不夠,建議雙方要挪出時間約會。 幸運色是綠色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zodiac/Aquari ...

4/26 The Daily Horoscope

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-04-25T22:08
The Daily Horoscope for Aquarius You may not feel and#34;pulled togetherand#34; with a project you are working on. It may seem that others have the edge o ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-04-25T20:56
我的星座或生日:雙子 閒聊文想到什麼打什麼XD 瓶男是我同事,認識快三個月,這個月開始幾乎每天都會傳訊息XD 我IG只要PO限時他都會回。PO電影票根還會問我「什麼時候帶他去看」(所以我們今天就去看復仇者3了哈哈) 一開始只是同事間的相處,覺得同事們人都滿好的這樣。那時候有一件蠻特別的事情是我有一次跟其 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-04-25T17:41
瓶男:太陽水瓶、月亮雙子、水星水瓶、金星雙魚 蠍女:太陽天蠍、月亮射手、水星射手、金星天蠍 最近加入聊天賴群認識了一個水瓶男生, 一般可以用肢體距離或言語做判斷的狀況, 因為他是ABC就完全不能作準, 加上水瓶&雙子的組合對我來說完全無法捉摸。 研究了好久版上的文章,發現自我分析出結果的難度太高, 只好來 ...