4/4 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2019-04-03T19:39

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Just as you can discover something interesting and exciting about a family
member or a friend you have known for a long time - perhaps something that
you didn't know before, you can also discover new things about yourself. An
event or a revelation can bring something out in you that was there all
along, but never recognized. You are multi-faceted, Capricorn. You are rich
and deep. You may be learning something wonderful about yourself right now,
or you will soon. Capitalize on this. Make the best of it.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2019-04-07T12:22
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2019-04-08T02:26
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2019-04-10T13:42
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2019-04-12T16:08
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2019-04-13T22:16
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-04-16T16:11
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2019-04-21T00:35


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2019-04-02T20:59
我的星座: 射手座 我們的關係: 復合路上(? 我想問摩羯座很喜歡幫忙取綽號嗎? 最近魔老爺常常依據實際的狀況 新增他給我的綽號 相信我 絕對不是甚麼[小心肝],[小寶貝],[小美人]這種暱稱 而是其他更有創意的...更讓我哭笑不得 但我笑點低 大部分是笑到飆淚(我承認.... 其他魔羯會這樣嗎? ...

Alex是大叔 摩羯座2019年4月運勢

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-04-02T20:37
整體: 這是你重新審視人際關係的一個月,因爲你星座之中的土星就要逆行了——在4月30日, 但整個4月你都會提前感受到它逆行之前帶來的影響。也許你思考人際關係這件事在3月就 已經開始了,畢竟在3月的時候我們都經歷了一次水星逆行,在那個時期,你可能重新審 視了自己的人際關係,你發現跟有些人逐漸變得形同陌路,或 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2019-04-02T19:57
和老公交往兩年後結婚 老公婚前就對我很大方 買給自己的講求務實 買給我的只求我開心喜歡 再貴的禮物他都捨得花錢 再貴的餐廳他都願意帶我去嚐鮮 只要我表現出有興趣的樣子 他在能力範圍內都願意為我做到 把所有的休假都留給我 以前的應酬變得很少出席 也默默戒菸怕我不愛煙味 總是帶我去我想去的地方玩 把我的需求放在他 ...

2019/ 4~6月份聊天區

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2019-04-01T21:29
To Dear all: 乍暖還寒的天氣依舊,請大家多注意身體健康 ,也請大家發文前注意版規,文章分類和格式、以 及內文禁止注音文等,雖然有些手機發文會比較麻 煩更改的,但也務必遵守,並尊重自己與他人的發 言。 ...

4/2 Daily Horoscope

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2019-04-01T16:59
You are entering into a period of greater abundance and increased love vibrations. Today is a good day to think about how to best tap into the auspicious r ...