5/13~5/19 Weekly DH - 摩羯

By Vanessa
at 2019-05-16T17:21
at 2019-05-16T17:21
Table of Contents
Patience will be essential this week as you work through a negotiation of
sorts. Whether this is business-related or personal, Capricorn, you will want
to remain grounded, sympathetic, open-minded, and most of all patient to
create the good outcome you hope for. You are ordinarily a patient person,
but there may be something about this exchange that pushes your buttons, so
keep reminding yourself how important it is. Throughout this week, a funny
vibe could arise between you and someone who seems vaguely familiar. This
could turn out to be someone you once met in unusual circumstances, or it
could be the familiarity that exists between kindred spirits when they meet
the first time. Either way, this is a special connection. An offer or an
opportunity later in the week could give you the chance to learn more about a
subject that you find intriguing. Even if you aren't particularly interested
in the end result of the opportunity, you may want to sign on just for the
learning experience it can bring.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
sorts. Whether this is business-related or personal, Capricorn, you will want
to remain grounded, sympathetic, open-minded, and most of all patient to
create the good outcome you hope for. You are ordinarily a patient person,
but there may be something about this exchange that pushes your buttons, so
keep reminding yourself how important it is. Throughout this week, a funny
vibe could arise between you and someone who seems vaguely familiar. This
could turn out to be someone you once met in unusual circumstances, or it
could be the familiarity that exists between kindred spirits when they meet
the first time. Either way, this is a special connection. An offer or an
opportunity later in the week could give you the chance to learn more about a
subject that you find intriguing. Even if you aren't particularly interested
in the end result of the opportunity, you may want to sign on just for the
learning experience it can bring.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
版權所有c 每日星座運勢。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Lydia
at 2019-05-20T10:39
at 2019-05-20T10:39

By Genevieve
at 2019-05-20T21:18
at 2019-05-20T21:18

By Caroline
at 2019-05-25T13:15
at 2019-05-25T13:15

By Andrew
at 2019-05-26T08:26
at 2019-05-26T08:26

By Bennie
at 2019-05-29T01:24
at 2019-05-29T01:24

By Irma
at 2019-05-30T11:34
at 2019-05-30T11:34
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