5/13~5/19 Weekly DH - 摩羯

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2019-05-16T17:21

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Patience will be essential this week as you work through a negotiation of
sorts. Whether this is business-related or personal, Capricorn, you will want
to remain grounded, sympathetic, open-minded, and most of all patient to
create the good outcome you hope for. You are ordinarily a patient person,
but there may be something about this exchange that pushes your buttons, so
keep reminding yourself how important it is. Throughout this week, a funny
vibe could arise between you and someone who seems vaguely familiar. This
could turn out to be someone you once met in unusual circumstances, or it
could be the familiarity that exists between kindred spirits when they meet
the first time. Either way, this is a special connection. An offer or an
opportunity later in the week could give you the chance to learn more about a
subject that you find intriguing. Even if you aren't particularly interested
in the end result of the opportunity, you may want to sign on just for the
learning experience it can bring.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2019-05-20T10:39
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-05-20T21:18
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2019-05-25T13:15
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-05-26T08:26
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2019-05-29T01:24
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2019-05-30T11:34

5/17 Daily Horoscope

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2019-05-16T16:43
You may be looking ahead to all of the problems or challenges that could potentially come up with a new plan you have just set in motion or will begin soon ...

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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-05-15T23:21
Many people believe that when you meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you know it immediately. The same goes for knowing what you ...

5/15 MSN 魔羯座運勢

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2019-05-15T19:29
摩羯座-處理好工作和家庭間的關係。 今日整體:★★★★★ 心想事成的運勢走向, 前提是還是必須自己付出努力, 再加上親友的支持, 纔可能成功。 提出你的企劃與執行行程, 讓大家看到你的決心, 然後就可以獲得源源不斷的資助。 今日指南:處理好工作和家庭間的關係。 幸運場所:充滿專業素養的會場。 今日愛 ...

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Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2019-05-15T17:09
News from an unlikely source - perhaps even something you overheard from someone elseand#39;s conversation - could be very surprising. However, do not take ...

5/14 MSN 魔羯座運勢

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-05-14T20:08
摩羯座-堅持自己的看法。 今日整體:★★★★★ 為了達成目標, 你不斷的努力, 在社會上受到肯定。 這段期間無論在事物的發展或獲取利益方面, 都十分順利, 不妨好好利用。 對學問和宗教特別關心, 層次跟著提升, 有助於判斷力。 在財政和法律上會受到支持和保護, 與教育水平或社會地位高的人往來, 受益良多。 ...