5/15 Daily Horoscope - 摩羯

By Hamiltion
at 2017-05-14T07:48
at 2017-05-14T07:48
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Capricorn horoscope for Monday May 15
Some aspect of your life is ending. That may be a scary proposition for you, C
apricorn, for a few reasons. For example, you may not know how others will rea
ct when it ends. And even scarier, you may not know what changes will come aft
er it ends. But an ending is not inherently a bad thing. Sometimes an ending i
s an excellent thing. Sometimes when one door closes, a much better door opens
. This will be one of those times, and that's what you should focus on.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA
Some aspect of your life is ending. That may be a scary proposition for you, C
apricorn, for a few reasons. For example, you may not know how others will rea
ct when it ends. And even scarier, you may not know what changes will come aft
er it ends. But an ending is not inherently a bad thing. Sometimes an ending i
s an excellent thing. Sometimes when one door closes, a much better door opens
. This will be one of those times, and that's what you should focus on.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA
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