5/21-27 Weekly DailyHoroscope 週運勢 - 水瓶

By Ethan
at 2018-05-23T02:08
at 2018-05-23T02:08
Table of Contents
You may have begun treating yourself in a kinder and gentler way. Aquarius, an
d the benefits of being nicer to yourself may be apparently now. Continue alon
g this path and continue to nurture yourself the way you would nurture a frien
d or family member in Need of comfort and understanding. But most importantly,
you need to recognize that you deserve to be treated in that way. Someone you
encounter early in the week may also be especially compassionate and understa
nding during an exchange of thoughts and ideas. This is someone you would do w
ell to know even better, so make plans to see this person again soon. In the m
iddle of the week, a disruption at work or in your neighborhood might threaten
to ruin the rest of your week. There may be ongoing frustrations that stem fr
om this that could bug you obsessively if you allow it. The answer is to not a
llow it. Since there is little you can do to change this, the path of acceptan
ce might be the best way to go. Look to the future to make a change when it be
comes possible. In the meantime, live with the situation as it is - but do so
without resentment or anger. The coming weekend promises the chance to do some
thing special you have wanted to do for a long time. Do not miss this chance.
d the benefits of being nicer to yourself may be apparently now. Continue alon
g this path and continue to nurture yourself the way you would nurture a frien
d or family member in Need of comfort and understanding. But most importantly,
you need to recognize that you deserve to be treated in that way. Someone you
encounter early in the week may also be especially compassionate and understa
nding during an exchange of thoughts and ideas. This is someone you would do w
ell to know even better, so make plans to see this person again soon. In the m
iddle of the week, a disruption at work or in your neighborhood might threaten
to ruin the rest of your week. There may be ongoing frustrations that stem fr
om this that could bug you obsessively if you allow it. The answer is to not a
llow it. Since there is little you can do to change this, the path of acceptan
ce might be the best way to go. Look to the future to make a change when it be
comes possible. In the meantime, live with the situation as it is - but do so
without resentment or anger. The coming weekend promises the chance to do some
thing special you have wanted to do for a long time. Do not miss this chance.
All Comments

By Caitlin
at 2018-05-25T22:24
at 2018-05-25T22:24

By Delia
at 2018-05-28T12:24
at 2018-05-28T12:24

By Hedy
at 2018-06-01T19:33
at 2018-06-01T19:33

By Ursula
at 2018-06-02T06:13
at 2018-06-02T06:13

By Jacky
at 2018-06-04T09:02
at 2018-06-04T09:02

By Olga
at 2018-06-07T13:36
at 2018-06-07T13:36
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