5/9~5/15 Daily Horoscope - 獅子

By Suhail Hany
at 2022-05-07T20:07
at 2022-05-07T20:07
Table of Contents
Your patience may be wearing thin at the start of the week for a certain perso
n you need to negotiate with. This person may already have you frazzled, Leo,
and the very thought of having to deal with them might seem incomprehensible.
Gather your thoughts, take a few moments alone, and review what you're dealing
with. Handle this in a business-like way, even if it has nothing to do with b
usiness, and you will begin to feel more rational about it, and be able to res
olve it successfully. Once you get past this, your week should be a breeze. Pl
easant interludes with close friends or perhaps a family member you particular
ly enjoy could happen throughout the balance of the week. You may also receive
good news related to a money matter that has been on your mind. The only glit
ch may occur around Thursday when you have to work with someone who is in a st
ate of agitation or panic. But the calmer you are, the calmer this person will
be, and the easier it will be to get through this. If you've been out of bala
nce with too much work and too little play, this is a good time to do somethin
g for yourself that just makes you feel good, such as attending a show or doin
g something else that feels like a splurge.
n you need to negotiate with. This person may already have you frazzled, Leo,
and the very thought of having to deal with them might seem incomprehensible.
Gather your thoughts, take a few moments alone, and review what you're dealing
with. Handle this in a business-like way, even if it has nothing to do with b
usiness, and you will begin to feel more rational about it, and be able to res
olve it successfully. Once you get past this, your week should be a breeze. Pl
easant interludes with close friends or perhaps a family member you particular
ly enjoy could happen throughout the balance of the week. You may also receive
good news related to a money matter that has been on your mind. The only glit
ch may occur around Thursday when you have to work with someone who is in a st
ate of agitation or panic. But the calmer you are, the calmer this person will
be, and the easier it will be to get through this. If you've been out of bala
nce with too much work and too little play, this is a good time to do somethin
g for yourself that just makes you feel good, such as attending a show or doin
g something else that feels like a splurge.
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