6/17~6/23 Weekly DH - 摩羯

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2019-06-16T12:32

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You may have a hard time committing to a venture that seemed like an exciting
idea not all that long ago. This week, Capricorn, you may have to choose
between moving forward with that or giving up on it. Try to imagine the
outcome that you might enjoy if you do move forward, and weigh that against
anything else that could be possible right now. Try to think about it
realistically, for this really is a pivotal point for you. If you have
isolated yourself socially recently, it is time to figure out why. Even if
you have been too busy, there is no excuse not to do something for yourself,
and your social connections are essential to your emotional well-being. If
there is some other reason, figuring that out and dealing with it will be
important. You may discover this week that a dear friend needs your help. But
this isn't just an easy assist, this is a true commitment to help this person
out in a big way. While this is certainly something you would like to be able
to do, you really should assess your own schedule first to see if there is
time to pour yourself into this. If not, you may be able to assist at a later
date. Cap the weekend off with a bit of rest and relaxation. Treating
yourself to a day with nothing to do is a wonderful gift you should give
yourself now.

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2019-06-20T05:18
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2019-06-23T02:07
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2019-06-23T17:31

6/17 Daily Horoscope

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2019-06-16T12:04
Divide and conquer may be the approach someone is taking now with a family matter. This kind of emotionally charged manipulation should be recognized for w ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2019-06-15T23:43
你的星座:水瓶 你/妳們的關係:朋友/同學 想問什麼呢: 想問大家魔男對於喜歡的人及好朋友差別在哪? 1.目前幾乎每晚都會與對方聊line 有時是用電話 都聊到其中一方想睡為止 2.魔男有時會要我拍自己給他看,或是要我傳之前自拍的限時動態給他 3.用我手機時會看我的line有跟誰聊天 (滑一滑而已 ...

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Some people just arenand#39;t happy unless they are unhappy. Sounds ridiculous when you think about it, right? But if there are no problems to deal with an ...

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Sarah avatar
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Something unfair may be going on in your life now or in the life of someone you care about. You could fuss and fume and generally focus on this to the poin ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-06-15T09:54
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